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Neutrons in Structural Biology (NISB 2017)

Mercredi 7 juin 2017 10:00 - Duree : 3 jours3 heures
Lieu : Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Neutrons have become an increasingly powerful and sophisticated tool in structural biology in the recent years. In particular, over the last decade, improvements in sources, inst rumentation and sample preparation have revolutionized the scope of neutron scattering studies of biological systems. As in all areas of modern structural biology there is now strong emphasis on interdisciplinarity with neutrons occupying a central role alongside the other major techniques including X-rays, NMR, EM… Over the years the focus of this meeting has shifted away from technical aspects relating directly to the development of neutron techniques towards a more science driven event where neutrons provide crucial information alongside the other techniques available.This 2017 edition will focus on highlighting recent results in fundamental biology, as well as considering the future of the field and the implications for the type of science that can be considered as well as for the instruments required. This meeting typically gathers mixture of researchers some of whom are experienced in the field of neutron scattering with others whose work may benefit from these approaches.

Contact : dubouloz@ill.fr

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