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Biology and Medicine at the ESRF, kickoff meeting

Vendredi 17 mars 2017 10:00 - Duree : 2 heures 5 minutes
Lieu : CIBB Building Seminar Room 2nd floor, EPN Campus, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs Intervenants

Biomed Seminar Series is a new intiative at the ESRF to promote cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and provide opportunities to meet and discuss with ESRF scientists an d the scientific community in the Grenoble area interested in applying synchrotron-based techniques in their biomedical research. The seminar series will combine biomedical and synchrotron-based themes with presentations and discussions in an informal atmosphere. Both ESRF and external speakers are encouraged to participate. Every series will include monthly seminars that will be scheduled and advertised in advance. A mailing list (biomed@esrf.fr) has been created for correspondence, where interested people can join by sending an email to biomed-subscribe@esrf.fr. The kickoff meeting will consist of brief presentations of the ESRF beamlines involved in biology and medicine as well as supporting facilities :

- 10h Welcome coffee and Introduction, Montse Soler-Lopez (coordinator) X-ray imaging for biomedical research at the ESRF : who and how

- 10h05 X-ray microscopy for functional imaging, radiation biology and therapy, Alberto Bravin (ID17)

- 10h15 X-ray fluorescence and spectroscopy for probing metal ions in tissues, Hiram Castillo-Michel (ID21)

- 10h25 X-ray microscopy for probing metal ions in cells, Sylvain Bohic (ID16) X-ray scattering for biomedical research at the ESRF : who and how

- 10h35 X-ray diffraction from functional biological systems, Narayan Theyencheri (ID02)

- 10h45 X-ray scattering and diffraction for fast structural dynamics of molecular assemblies, Matteo Levantino (ID09)

- 10h55 Bio-inspired studies at liquid interfaces, Oleg Konovalov (ID10)

- 11h05 X-ray scattering for molecular shape reconstruction, Martha Brennich (BM29) X-ray crystallography for biomedical research at the ESRF : who and how

- 11h15 X-ray crystallography for 3D atomic structure determination, Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann (MX Beamlines)

- 11h25 Nanofocus X-ray diffraction for high-spatial-resolution, Manfred Burghammer (ID13) Support to X-ray-based biology and biomedical research

- 11h35 Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB), Florent Bernaudat (PSB Coordinator)

- 11h45 Partnership for Soft Condensed Matter (PSCM), Diego Pontoni (PSCM Coordinator)

- 11h55 Biomedical Facility (BMF), Alberto bravin (ID17, BMF)

- 12h05 End of the meeting

Contact : montserrat.soler-lopez@esrf.fr

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