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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Cryo-EM Symposium

jeudi 6 juillet 2017 - Duree : 1 jour
Lieu : Auditorium, Central Building, ESRF - 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

The aim of this symposium is to promote the exciting opportunities in structural biology opened by the advances in cryo-electron microsc opy and by the integration of structural biology approaches at multi-resolution level. This symposium will celebrate the establishment of a new cryo-EM platform on the EPN campus. The platform will offer access to the international structural biology community to a new Titan Krios equipped with a Quantum LS filter and phase plate. Such microscope will be installed as a user facility at the ESRF and will reinforce the ongoing EM activity at the IBS and at the EMBL. The new facility will thus be open to the user community based on peer-review of scientific merit and technical feasibility. Scientists from ESRF, IBS and EMBL will support user operation. The symposium will bring together leading experts, junior researchers and representatives of industrial partners to present and discuss the latest developments and the future trends in cryo-EM as well as their applications in addressing biological challenges. It will also provide a forum for discussion among both established and junior scientists from different disciplines. We encourage participants to present their scientific results in a poster session, with the possibility of being selected for a short talk. Due to limited attendance (maximum of 80 external participants), early registration is encouraged.

More information can be found at : http://www.esrf.fr/cryo-em.fr

Contact : montserrat.soler-lopez@esrf.fr

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