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High energy density Lithium-ion cells based on silicon anodes

Jeudi 27 avril 2017 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Grenoble INP-Phelma, Laboratoire LMGP-2ème étage-salle de séminaire, 3 parvis Louis Néel - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Filippos FARMAKIS (Micro- and Nanotechnology Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering,Dept., University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi, Greece)

The last decades Lithium-ion batteries are widely considered as the energy storage systems appropriate for use in low (laptops, cameras and smart cellular phones) and high (hybrid and all electric vehicles, renewables, aerospace) energy and power demand applications. Therefore, there is a strong need for energy storage systems with higher energy and power densities. One way to achieve this goal concerns the development of new anode materials alternative to graphite that is currently used in commercial lithium ion batteries. Silicon is considered as an alternative attractive high capacity anode material for Li-ion batteries with theoretical specific capacity of Si almost 10 times higher than that of graphite. Technological challenges and related efforts will be presented.

Contact : Michele.san-martin@grenoble-inp.fr

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