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Industry and X-rays

Vendredi 19 mai 2017 11:30 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ESRF, CO 1-10, canteen building-1st floor, 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Tobias FUNK (Triple Ring Technologies)

Triple Ring Technologies is a contract R&D company that aims to bridge the gap between science and product. We often work on early stage projects where a concept is somewhat proven and we use the scientific method to bring these concepts to fruition and turn them eventually into products. In this talk we will discuss our approach by reviewing a few projects in the X-ray and Imaging space.

· We have built a novel X-ray fluoroscopy system that offers real-time tomosynthesis and significant dose savings compared to conventional fluoroscopy. The vexing question is how can this technology brought to market.

· We have developed a simulation package for explosive detection with X-rays for the US Department of Homeland Security. How can this become a tool for evidence based product design ?

· Industrial CT is becoming more and more a tool in manufacturing. Speeding up the process of acquisition and reconstruction is crucial. How can Triple Ring contribute to this challenge ?

Contact : glatzel@esrf.fr

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