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Spectroscopy of Andreev bound states : revealing the hidden side of the Josephson effect

Mardi 15 janvier 2013 15:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle "Remy Lemaire" K 223, 1er étage, Bât. K, Institut Néel / CNRS - 25 rue des martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Landry BRETHEAU (Quantronics Group, CEA Saclay)

The Josephson effect describes how phase coherence is established between two weakly coupled superconductors. Microscopically, the Josephson current is carried by Cooper pairs, occupying Andreev bound states, localized at the weak link. Andreev bound states come in pairs and constitute a spin-half degree of freedom. In our experiment, we detect the transition between Andreev bound states in a superconducting atomic contact using a Josephson junction as a broadband (5-90 GHz) spectrometer. Not only do we clearly resolve the Andreev transition, but we also identify spectroscopic lines arising from anticrossings with a Josephson plasma mode of the environment. Our results demonstrate the accessibility of a pseudospin degree of freedom in the Josephson effect.

Contact : thierry.champel@grenoble.cnrs.fr

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