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Spindynamics of L10-ordered alloy films

Lundi 11 septembre 2017 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : SPINTEC, Bât 10-05 - CEA Grenoble, 17 rue des martyrs

Orateur : Hiroshi NAGANUMA (Tohoku University, Japan)

Materials with large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) are necessary to achieve high density spin-transfer-torque magnetoresistive random access memory (STT-MRAM), millimeter spin torque oscillator (STO), and diode (STD). Small Gilbert damping constant a is necessary to obtain lower critical current density of switching and oscillating these spin dynamics devices. The L10 ordered alloy is one of the candidate materials to combine with MgO barrier because of their cubic structure. In this study, the magnetization dynamics of L10-ordered alloys are investigated in the film form, and the STD device using L10-FePd in the MTJs is demonstrated. L10-FePd epitaxial films showed 0.007 of damping constant and detect the 40 GHz in MTJs nano-devices. The L10-FePt, MnGa, and MnAl is also discuss in the seminar.


1) Phys. Rev. Lett., 106, 117201 (2011).

2) Phys. Rev. Lett, 110, 067201 (2013).

3) Nano Letters, 15, 623 (2015).

Contact : laurent.vila@cea.fr

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