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Tous les évènements de Physique à venir

Tous les évènements de Biologie / Chimie à venir

Tous les évènements à venir

Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise


lundi 11 décembre 2017 -
Lieu : Campus Saint Martin d’Hères

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

This year, the workshop will focus on recent developments in 3D bioprinting for pathological tissues modelling, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Pr. Jordan Miller will present novel approaches for introducing vascularization in biomaterials and

Dr. Christophe Marquette will focus on bioinks and organ Bioprinting.

The 11th edition aims at bringing together the junior and senior scientists tip toeing on the tight rope between biology, physics, engineering and chemistry. Indeed, understanding the building blocks of life, from viruses and bacteria to tissues and organs, requires a highly multidisciplinary community that the Nanosciences Foundation has made its motto to federate.


· Keynote lecture by Pr. Jordan MILLER (Rice University, USA)

· Keynote lecture by Dr. Christophe MARQUETTE (Université Lyon1 & plateforme 3d.FAB)

· 7 slots reserved for oral presentations by PhD students and post-docs

· Poster session

If you are interested in giving a talk or presenting a poster about your work, click here !

Deadline : Monday, November 17th

Contact : nano.info@fondation-nanosciences.fr

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