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Nanotechnology to repair and rebuild human organs : Bench to patients

Jeudi 14 décembre 2017 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL 4, Amphi Chadwick - 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Alexander Marcus SEIFALIAN (CEO/Professor of Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine - Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine Commercialisation Centre (Ltd) - The London BioScience Innovation Centre, London, UK)

Nanotechnology is revolutionising the repair and replacement of human organs. Nanomaterials have the unique physical, chemical, mechanical, and optical properties that naturally occur at that nanoscale. We have developed a family of nanocomposite materials for clinical application. The nanocomposite materials have been used in repair and development of human organs. The materials have been fabricated to the 3D scaffold using coagulation, casting, electrospinning as well as 3D printing. Then the scaffold has been functionalised with bioactive molecules and antibodies for capturing and differentiation of stem cells to mature cells either in vitro or in vivo using the body as a bioreactor.

In this talk present the research and development as well as route of taking laboratory research to patients and towards commercialisation. The organs will be discussed in details world first synthetic trachea, tear ducts, small diameter bypass graft for replacement of coronary and vascular arteries. Taking organs to patients and commercialisation is challenging in term of regulatory as well as manufacturing under GMP/GLP. In this talk will discuss the pathway and timescale taking the organs to the clinical trial from laboratories products.

Contact : cuccari@ill.fr

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