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Neutron scattering studies on Li-ion batteries

Jeudi 7 décembre 2017 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : ILL 4, Seminar Room (no 163), 71 avenue des Martyrs - Grenoble

Orateur : Anatoliy SENYSHYN (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (FRM II) - Technische Universität München - Garching - Germany)

Energy storage media based on different technologies have gained in importance for a wide field of applications ranging from supplying portable devices to large electric vehicles. Nevertheless, a further progress permanently demands for lower-cost, safer, longer-life, higher energy/power density batteries resulting in active development and research in this field. Nowadays modern Li-ion batteries are sophisticated electrochemical devices, possessing numerous degrees of freedom along with complicated geometries of the electrode integration, which makes experimental techniques capable to reveal “live” information about processes occurring inside the cell highly relevant. On the other hand the study of an isolated system requires a non-destructive battery testing eligible to minimize the risks for possible materials oxidation, electrolyte evaporation, cell charge changes etc.

In this sense neutron scattering has a lot of advantages and it is already been a well-established tool for characterization of complex electrochemical devices [1]. In the current presentation the combination of three neutron-based experimental techniques, namely computed neutron tomography, high-resolution neutron powder diffraction and spatially-resolved neutron powder diffraction, applied for studies on commercial Li-ion cells of the 18650-type, will be presented. Selected techniques are complementing each other : neutron imaging provides a 3D distribution of neutron attenuation in a non-destructive way leading to a detailed view of the battery organization down to 50-100 µm scale ; the application of neutron powder diffraction brings this limit down to the sub-nanometer range. Spatially-resolved neutron powder diffraction is a kind of an intermediate technique capable to limit the diffraction signal to the gauge volume in the range of cubic millimeters. The details of the cell organization on different length scales and its evolution on various factors like state-of-charge, electrode connection and fatigue will be presented and discussed.

1. H. Ehrenberg, A. Senyshyn, M. Hinterstein, H. Fuess (2012). In Situ Diffraction Measurements : Challenges, Instrumentation, and Examples. In E.J. Mittermeijer & U. Welzel (Eds.), Modern Diffraction Methods (528). Weinheim : Wiley-VCH.

Contact : dubouloz@ill.fr

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