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Energy Loss Spectroscopy at High Resolution : Applications to Functional Materials and Plasmonic Nanostructures

Mercredi 20 décembre 2017 10:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : CEA-minatec 51B-104

Orateur : G.A. BOTTON

Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) is an invaluable technique to study the detailed structure and the chemical state of materials at unprecedented spatial resolution. Today, this technique is used “routinely” to characterize nanoscale materials used in a myriad of applications from energy storage and conversion, to solid- state devices and biomaterials interfaces. This technique also has the potential to provide insight into much more fundamental problems where the valence state of atoms and their location is of fundamental importance. In this presentation, I describe recent developments in electron energy loss spectroscopy showing that is possible to probe the changes in bonding and coordination of atoms on surfaces of oxides using novel quantitative measurements of the energy loss spectra [1] and detect small lattice distortions in perovskite compounds [2]. I will show that, with atomic resolution EELS, it is possible to determine ordering of cations in oxides [3] and changes in bonding at interfaces, consistent with modifications in the coordination of interface atoms. I will highlight how atomic resolved experiments with EELS can be used to systematically study the local valence in high-T superconductors [4], and to extract the localized hole concentration in superconducting chain-ladder compounds [5]. In the area of Li battery materials, I will highlight a detailed study of the structure and evolution of “NMC”-type materials following electrochemical cycling to demonstrate the potential of EELS to understa nd the fundamental behavior of useful materials [6]. Finally, I will show some examples of detailed studies of the plasmonic response of simple and very complex metallic nanostructures showing how it is possible to probe details of surface plasmon resonances and their hybridization with much higher spatial resolution than ever possible with light-based techniques [7].

[1] G.Z. Zhu, et al. Nature, 490, 384, (2012)

[2] M. Bugnet, et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 201107(R) (2013), and Phys Rev. B, 93, 020102 (2016)

[3] S. Turner, et al., Chem. Mater. 24, 1904−1909 (2012)

[4] N. Gauquelin, et al., Nature Communications 5, 4275 (2014)

[5] M. Bugnet, et al., Science Advances 2016 ; 2:e1501652 (2016).

[6] H. S. Liu et al. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 29064-29075. (2016) and other manuscript in review.

[7] D. Rossouw, et al., Nano Letters 11, 1499-1504 (2011) ; D. Rossouw, G.A. Botton, Phys. Rev. Letters 110, 066801 (2013) ; S. J. Barrow et al, Nano Letters 14, 3799-3808. (2014) ; EP Bellido, et al., ACS Photonics, 3, 428-433 (2016), and ACS Photonics, 4, 1558-1565 (2017) ; E.P. Bellido, et al., Self-similarity of plasmon edge modes on Koch fractal antennas, ACS Nano, DOI : 10.1021/acsnano.7b05554), (2017).

Contact : jean-luc.rouviere@cea.fr

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