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Spintronics and Nanomagnetism in Grenoble

Jeudi 1er mars 2018 08:30 - Duree : 9 heures
Lieu : Salle Lesdiguières, Fort de la Bastille, Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

I am pleased to invite you to participate to the meeting on "Spintronics and Nanomagnetism in Grenoble" which we organise in the framework of the LABEX LANEF.

The spirit of the meeting is to put together most of the PhD students, Post Doc and permanent researchers working in the quicky evolving field of spintronics in Grenoble. Some oral presentations illustrating the main evolutions of our field in the last two years will be given by permanent staff ; a large part of the afternoon will be devoted to a poster session and discussions, where PhD and Post Docs will have the opportunity to present and discuss their work.

If you intend to come please fill the form by clicking on the following link https://goo.gl/forms/w2QVxZyOC78edtL02

Please answer before the 9th of February.

Please find below the preliminary program. The practical information (registration, logistics..) will come at a later time.

Preliminary program

3ème journée « Spintronics in Grenoble »

8h30 : Welcome

9H-10H40 : Talks

10H40-11H15 : Coffee break

11h15-12H30 : Talks

12h30-15h45 : Lunch and poster session

15h45-17h30 : Talks

The organizing committee : Stefania Pizzini (MNM IN), Patrick Warin (Spintec INAC)

Contact : patrick.warin@cea.fr

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