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Characterization of composite materials by ptychographic X-ray Computed Tomography

Mercredi 25 avril 2018 14:30 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Laboratoire SIMaP, bâtiment Recherche, Salle de séminaires (153) - Domaine universitaire, St Martin d’Hères

Orateur : Julio Cesar DA SILVA

We present here the implementation of ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT) to reach the necessary spatial resolution in X-ray imaging of complex and heterogeneous materials. The properties of composite materials are affected by the arrangement of the different material phases within their 3D structure. The ability of visualizing these st ructures in 3D with high sensitivity at the nanometer length scales can improve the engineering of these composites. We show that PXCT is the key technique to do this, because it enables reconstructing 3D maps of the complex-value refractive index of the sample in such a critical length scale [1-4]. Those 3D images can be processed later to extract the localization of the different material phases, the intermaterial pore space, and the composition of each components without the need of spectroscopic measurements in certain cases. As cases of application of PXCT, we investigate the morphological structure of catalysts particles for fluid cracking catalysis (FCC), which are important for the oil industry [3,4]. As another example, we quantitatively characterize the hydration products of ordinary and eco-friendly cement pastes based on ye’elimite [1,2]. The water content and stoichiometry of some of its material phases are determined. We show here that PXCT paves the way for the comp lex morphological studies of multiphase systems at the nanoscale and it is a technique already available at ID16A nano-imaging beamline, ESRF[5,6].


[1] - J. C. da Silva et al., Langmuir 31, 3779 (2015).

[2] - J. Ihli et al., Nat. Communications 8, 809 (2017).

[3] - J. C. da Silva et al., ChemCatChem 7, 413-416 (2015).

[4] - A. Cuesta et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 3044 (2017).

[5] - J. C. da Silva et al., Optica 4(5), 492 (2017).

[6] - J. C. da Silva et al., Proc. SPIE 10389, 103890F (2017).

Contact : guillaume.beutier@grenoble-inp.fr

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