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Medicinal polymer chemistry : from polymer design to therapeutic benefits and back

Vendredi 14 septembre 2018 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : CEA, Bâtiment C5, Salle 421A - 17 rue des martyrs - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Alexander N. ZELIKIN (Department of Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre, Aarhus University, Danemark)

Abstract : Biocatalytic impants and nanozymes, antiviral macromolecular prodrugs, innovative bioconjugation techniques ‐ these areas of research are in the focus of my lab and during this presentation, I will discuss our recent findings on these avenues. I will present the development of biocatalytic implants as novel tools for site‐specific drug delivery. We will also discuss the design of nanozymes as fundamentally important materials for biomedicine. Finally, I will outline our recent successes in the design of macromolecular prodrugs as long-acting tools of drug delivery, as broad‐spectrum antiviral agents, and latency reversing agents against HIV. Presentation aims to be of interest for diverse audience, specifically scientists in the fields of polymer science and engineering, medicinal chemistry, biomaterials, and virology.

Recent publications

1. “Combatting implant-associated biofilms through localized drug synthesis”, J. Control. Release 2018, 287, 94-120

2. “Long-acting, potent delivery of combination antiretroviral therapy”, ACS Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 587-591.

3. “Enzyme prodrug therapy achieves site-specific, personalized physiological responses to the locally produced nitric oxide", ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2018, 10, 10741-41751.

4. “Prodrugs in medicinal chemistry and enzyme prodrug therapies”, Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev. 2017, 118, 65-77.

5. “Substrate mediated enzyme prodrug therapy”, Adv. Drug. Deliver. Rev. 2017, 118, 24-34.

6. “HIV anti-latency treatment mediated by macromolecular prodrugs of histone deacetylase inhibitor, panobinostat”, Chem. Sci.2016, 7, 2353-2358.


Dr. Alexander N. Zelikin earned a PhD degree in Polymer Chemistry from Moscow State University (Russia) in 2003 and held research positions at MIT, Cornell University, and the University of Melbourne. In 2009, he joined the Department of Chemistry and the iNano Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark where he lectures Medicinal Chemistry. His research interests include macromolecular drugs and prodrugs, antiviral therapies, enzyme prodrug therapies, biomaterials, as well as synthetic biology and nanozymes. He published 100+ peer reviewed research articles.

Contact : Dmitry ALDAKOV -

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