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Circadian clock and cancer : A network biology perspective sheds light on adhesion signaling

Lundi 1er octobre 2018 13:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : CEA, Bâtiment C3, Salle 104 - 17 rue des martyrs - 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Cyril BOYAULT (Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), Grenoble)

During evolution, most of living organisms have evolved an internal time keeping device, a circadian clock, to be able to synchronize and anticipate daily oscillatory cues, such as variation in light, temperature or nutrient abundance [1]. In mammals, although the sleep/wake cycle being the most prominent illustration, the last two decades also revealed that it is involved in an exquisite periodical regulation of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, body temperature regulation or brain activity [1].

At the tissular or cellular level, we and others reported that the circadian clock controls a wide amount of cellular processes which encompass apoptosis, DNA damage response, differentiation and proliferation [2-4]. Accordingly, many reports associated circadian clock disruptions and occurrence pathologies such as cancer [4]. Our understanding of the relationship between the clock and carcinogenesis or metastatic processes will benefit to set up chronotherapies designed to fight cancer.

We developed a network biology pipeline to model the relationships between the circadian clock, oncogenes and tumor suppressors. In addition to predict numerous pathway cross-talks, together with previous data [5, 6] we hypothesized and demonstrated that a circadian clock disruption affects cellular adhesion, migration and invasion signalling. Finally, although our network biology pipeline predicts cellular signalling cross-talks, we will present how it could be used to set up future chronotherapies.

1. Cuninkova L, Brown SA, Ann. N Y Acad. Sci., 2008, 1129 : 358-70

2. Lande-Diner L, Boyault C* et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2013, 110(40) : 16021-6 (*Co-first author)

3. Robles MS, Boyault C* et al., Science, 2010, 327(5964) : 463-6 (*Co-first author)

4. Lamia KA, F1000Res, 2017, 6 : 1910

5. Yang N, et al., Nat. Commun., 2017, 8 : 14287

6. Hoyle NP, et al., Sci. Transl. Med., 2017, 9(415)

Contact : odile.rossignol@cea.fr

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