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Upscaling glycosciences : from the test tube to the eco-innovating industry

Vendredi 9 novembre 2018 08:30 - Duree : 8 heures
Lieu : École de Génie Industriel de Grenoble INP - Amphi Gosse

Orateur : CEA, Sanofi, Cargill, UTT

Glyco@Alps is organizing a symposium about : Upscaling glycosciences : from the test tube to the eco-innovating industry. It will be held on November 9th at Grenoble in the School of Industrial Engineering, Grenoble INP. Glyco@Alps invites you to its conference about the upscaling of glyco-sciences in relation to environmental impact assessement during the life cycle of products and processes. The issue of scale changing from the lab to the industry is a hot topic for which answers still need to be found. Through the examples of glyco-based sectors (algae, pharmaceutics, materials, etc.), this question will be discussed by researchers and industrials. Confirmed participants include CEA, Sanofi, Cargill, UTT. Key words : life cycle, upscaling, environmental impacts. Online Registration is free and mandadory.

Contact : ferielle.podgorski@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

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