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Tous les évènements à venir

Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

OXFORD-GRENOBLE ALPES SYMPOSIUM : 30 Years of Cooperative Research in Advanced Materials and Biological Structures

lundi 27 mai 2019 -
Lieu : Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

The Oxford-Grenoble Alpes symposium will contribute to the celebrations of the 30 year twinning of the towns of Oxford and Grenoble. It will be part of a number of other initiative s including the performance of the twinned choirs of the two towns (25th -26th May), the renaming of the Presqu’île tramstop (18th May), etc. that will take place in 2019. The symposium will include the participation of scientists from Oxford with strong collaboration activities with scientists in Grenoble and will focus on chemistry, material science (including magnetism, ferroelectricity and plasticity), soft condensed matter and biophysics. For more information on the symposium and to register, please visit our website https://workshops.ill.fr/e/oxford-grenoble-symposium

Contact : mader@ill.fr

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