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How to save energy on Earth using the outer space as a heat sink : Microsphere arrays for above-ambient radiative cooling

Mardi 21 mai 2019 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Salle "Louis Weil" E424 - Institut Néel -bâtiment E, 3ème étage, CNRS Polygone scientifique, 25 rue des martyrs, 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Juliana JARAMILLO

Implementing sustainable methods for cooling is urgent, due to global warming and the high energy consumption associated to modern cooling technologies. In the first part of this seminar, I´ll discuss the principles of radiative cooling and how to engineer photons and phonons to evacuate heat into the outer space to cool down hot devi ces here on Earth, without using electricity. In the second part I will present the possibility of using microsphere arrays to develop an inexpensive and energy-efficient solution for the global challenge of reducing the energy demand associated to cooling. In addition, experimental evidence of this principle will be provided using the proposed microstructures.

Contact : cecile.delacour@neel.cnrs.fr

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