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Manipulation et détection d’ondes de spin via l’interaction spin-orbite dans des guides d’ondes ultraminces Ta/CoFeB/MgO à anisotropie perpendiculaire

Mercredi 10 juillet 2019 14:00 - Duree : 2 heures
Lieu : IRIG, Bât 10-05 - room 445, CEA Grenoble, 17 rue des martyrs

Orateur : Soutenance de Thèse de Mathieu FABRE (SPINTEC)

Spin-waves have been proposed as a possible technological path to overcome the hurdles encountered by the miniaturization of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) into the nanometer range, demonstrated by recent developments in spin-wave-based logic devices. However, the industrial appeal of these proofs-of-concept is conditional upon their scalable integration with CMOS technology. Here, we report on ultrathin Ta/CoFeB/MgO wires used as spin-wave waveguides. This system is chosen for its compatibility with CMOS processes, its perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and strong spin-orbit interactions. The latter are of interest for manipulating spin waves and are characterized via spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance where it is shown that the inverse spin Hall effect is responsible for the detection of magnetization dynamics. Following this, we use integrated nanometric coplanar waveguides to locally excite spin-waves in a broad range of wavevectors. Comparison of the measured spin-wave spectrum with analytical calculations show that the in verse spin Hall effect allows the wavevector-independent detection of spin-waves with wavelengths down to 150 nm. Complementary Brillouin light scattering experiments reveal that spin-waves in the ultrathin spin-wave waveguide with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy have unexpectedly high propagation lengths considering the relatively high damping in Ta/CoFeB/MgO systems. These findings pave the way for ultrathin CMOS-compatible spin-wave devices with excitation and detection techniques that are scalable into the nanometer range, with the prospect of controlling spin-waves via spin-orbit torques.

Read more : http://www.spintec.fr/phd-defense-manipulation-et-detection-dondes-de-spin-via-linteraction-spin-orbite-dans-des-guides-dondes-ultraminces-ta-cofeb-mgo-a-anisotropie-perpendiculaire/

Persons who do not have a CEA badge must request an entry authorization sufficiently in advance to sabrina.megias@cea.fr

Contact : alain.marty@cea.fr

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