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13th CHAOS2020 International Conference

mardi 9 juin 2020 - Duree : 4 jours
Lieu : Florence, Italy

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

This is an Invitation to Participate in the conference and to propose an Invited Session (3-6 talks) or a Workshop (more than 2 Sessions).

The deadline for Invited Sessions or Workshops is December 20, 2019. Then the Session/Workshop organisers have enough time by end of January 2020 to collect the abstracts of their Sessions/Workshops and notify the Secretariat.

A first list of Invited Sessions/Workshops is already in the conference website along with the Plenary/Keynote Speakers (see at www.cmsim.org and related pages as http://www.cmsim.org/committeesplenary2020.html and http://www.cmsim.org/invitedsessions2020.html).

Information for accommodation is also available at http://www.cmsim.org/registrfeeexcursion2020.html

The Nonlinear Systems Conference titled : 13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2020, 9-12 June 2020, Florence, Italy, www.cmsim.org) will be hosted in the Grand Hotel Adriatico. Download the poster at : http://www.cmsim.org/images/CHAOS2020_Poster.pdf

Chaos theory is developed rapidly the last decades. With CHAOS2020 International Conference we celebrate 13 years of active presence in the field via the annual conference, the proceedings and publications in books (Springer) and the CMSIM Journal.

Many thanks to the Honorary Committee and the Scientific Committee for their support.

For Abstract submission and special session proposals please visit the conference website at : www.cmsim.org or send email to Secretariat@cmsim1.org.

New Book from Lectures in CHAOS2017 : Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science (C. H. Skiadas, Ed), Springer (2018) :https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030044824

Already published the book on “11th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference - CHAOS2018” (Springer, 2019) : https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030152963

You can also submit papers for publication in the CMSIM Journal at www.cmsim.eu where the best papers presented are included further to other publications in Springer publishers.

Looking forward to welcome you in Florence for the Conference,

On behalf of the Conference Committee,

Prof. Christos H Skiadas, Conference Chair

Contact : Secretariat@cmsim.de

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