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Dynamical spin injection and spin to charge current conversion in oxide-based Rashba interfaces and topological insulators

Jeudi 14 novembre 2019 14:00 - Duree : 3 heures
Lieu : IRIG, Bât 10-05 - room 445, CEA Grenoble, 17 rue des martyrs

Orateur : Soutenance de Thèse de Paul NOËL (IRIG/SPINTEC)

An emerging field of spintronics, called spin-orbitronic, is based on the use of spin-orbit coupling to detect and produce spin currents, possibly in the absence of any ferromagnetic material. An effective interconversion between spin current and charge current can be obtained using the spin Hall effect in heavy metals such as platinum or tantalum. Such a conversion can also be obtained by using the Edelstein effect in Rashba interfaces and topological insulators. This conversion can be studied by the so-called ferromagnetic resonance spin pumping method. This thesis presents the study of this conversion in metals, in oxide-based Rashba interfaces, and in topological insulators. Among these systems we have shown the possibility of modulating with an electrostatic grid the spin charge conversion in a two-dimensional electron gas, at the surface of a SrTiO3 oxide. We also showed that the topological insulators HgTe and Sb2Te3 exhibit exciting spin-to-charge conversion properties at room temperature. These results suggest that both bidimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces and topological insulators are promising systems for spin currents manipulation.

Contact : odile.rossignol@cea.fr

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