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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

2nd International Workshop "Insect Bio-inspired Microtechnologies"

Jeudi 21 novembre 2019 08:00 - Duree : 1 jour 6 heures
Lieu : Maison Minatec, Grenoble

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Bio-inspiration is taking off big time, worldwide : from hydrophobic surfaces, structural colors, neuromophic computing to a wild array of bio-ins pired robots, just to name a few. Whole research institutes, from China to Harvard, are now harbouring entire teams that would place bio-inspiration as the core moto of their science developments. With millions of species, insects are in this respect a cornucopia for bioinspiration. The miniaturization of the nuts and bolts within insects, combined with speed and precision of control, is furthermore a marvel. Beyond their sheer number which implies a multitude of possible models, insects are thus an excellent source of bio-inspired designs because of their size, of the order of the millimeter, which matches in many ways the one of micro- and nano-technological systems. This often promotes system scale approach as a more sound method for the observer.

Following the highly successful workshop in Tours in 2017, we have again collated a series of speeches from international speakers which balances biology, physics and engineering. We believe these works and visions to be of the highest interest to microtechnologists, systems engineers and biologists. This second international workshop is funded by the CNRS INEE within the RTP (réseau thématique pluridisciplinaire) "Bioinspiration", by the CEA-Leti Carnot Chair of Excellence in "Bioinspired microtechnologies", and supported by « Intelligence des Patrimoines », an interdisciplinary program for research and innovation from the Région Centre-Val de Loire.

To view the program and to REGISTER please go to https://insect-bio-inspired-microtechnology.insight-outside.fr/

Contact : vincent.bouchiat@grenoble.cnrs.fr

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