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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

IEEE INTERMAG2021 (Virtual)

lundi 26 avril 2021 - Duree : 5 jours

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

As previously announced, this year, the 12th MRAM Global Innovation Forum is embedded in INTERMAG2021, the annual conference of the IEEE Magnetics Society, which will be held virtually between 26 and 30 April 2021.

As in previous editions, the format of the Forum consists of 10 invited talks by experts from companies and academia, and a panel discussion on the topic : “What do we need to bring MRAM to next level ?” .

The invited speakers are :

· Tiffany Santos (Western Digital)

· Sahil Patel (Applied Materials)

· Eric Edwards (IBM)

· Jeong-Heon Park (Samsung)

· Johannes Muller (Global Foundries)

· Yan-Jen Lee (TSMC)

· Shinobu Fujita (Kioxa)

· Jack Guedj (Numem)

· Shunsuke Fukami (Tohoku university)

· Manu Perumkunnil (IMEC)

The panelists are :

· Simone Bertolazzi (Yole)

· Gouri Sankar Kar (IMEC)

· Daniel Worledge (IBM)

· Seung Kang (Qualcomm)

· KoMin Chang (NXP Semiconductor)

All presentations are now available on demand and will remain so until 30 June 2021. A live Q&A session chaired by Kevin Garello (SPINTEC) and a live panel discussion moderated by Luc Thomas (Applied Materials) will take place on 27 April 9AM Asia CST/26 April 7PM US CST.

Besides the MRAM Forum, about 90 presentations on MRAM related topic are presented during INTERMAG2021 as well as about 200 communications on spintronics. In addition, live networking events are scheduled within the conference. Hence, not only the MRAM Innovation Forum are of interest to researchers and engineers working in this area but also numerous talks within the conference.

You are therefore warmly invited to attend INTERMAG2021 and the MRAM Global Innovation Forum.

More information can be found on : https://intermag.org/.

The site is open for registration.

Bernard DIENY INTERMAG 2021 General Chair

Contact : bernard.dieny@cea.fr

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