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The Origin of the Chemical Elements : Studying Stellar Nucleosynthesis in the Laboratory

Lundi 18 janvier 2021 14:00 - Duree : 1 heure

Orateur : Claudia LEDERER-WOODS (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Zoom link : https://ill.zoom.us/j/95674647547

The evolution of the universe has left an imprint in the form of the chemical elements. The abundances of elements we see in our solar system, distant stars, meteorites, and in stellar explosions provide us with clues about how the elements came to be produced in a variety of different processes and stellar environments. Dramatic progress has been made in Astronomy from detailed observations of chemical abundances in individual stars, to the first observation of neutron star mergers, which are a prime candidate for heavy element production. This has provided a challenge to nuclear physicists to provide similarly detailed information on the reactions and properties of key nuclei responsible for the formation of these elements. In this talk, I will discuss some of the astrophysical processes that are thought to contribute to the element abundances and recent measurements of key nuclear properties and reactions which are crucial for understanding their nucleosynthesis.

Contact : tellier@ill.fr

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