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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

Masterclass : Open Science and Scientific Publishing

Mardi 13 juin 2023 09:00 - Duree : 1 jour 8 heures
Lieu : Amphitheatre of the Maison du doctorat Jean Kuntzmann, 110 Rue de la Chimie, 38400 Saint-Martin-d’Hères

Orateur : Plusieurs intervenants

Organised by the Société Française de Physique (section Alpes) and the Collège Doctoral, UGA

Registration : https://opensci2023uga.sciencesconf.org/

Deadline : As soon as possible (limited places)

Summary : A two day training aimed at PhD students on “Open Science and Scientific Publishing".

The training will be in English, and will be open to all young scientists (up to available space). Each half day of the training will consist of about 2 hours of presentations by leading experts, followed by a 1 hour practical exercise in small groups (see the program below).

This masterclass is worth 10 h of credits of transverse training (formation transverse) for all PhD students at the Université Grenoble Alpes (Collège Doctoral).

Topic : No idea or scientific result can contribute to the advancement of science if it is not shared. This makes the sharing of scientific knowledge a cornerstone of the scientific method. Yet, the way we share scientific knowledge is undergoing a revolution, which is usually called « open science ». Open science can include everything from the free and open access to scientific publications to the free and open access to raw experimental data. The guiding principle is that scientific knowledge should be as open as possible, but as closed as necessary. Yet it is often young scientists who have to do the work of applying this principle to their own research. Thus they are crucial actors in shaping how open science will work.

This training will introduce young scientists to practical tools and fundamental questions. Practical tools include how to find and use other scientists open-access experimental data, software, and publications and how to make their own data, software and publications accessible to others. More fundamental questions about the sharing of knowledge relate to all aspects of open science ; how much data should we share, when should we publish our results, how should scientific quality be judged, what should a referee report aim to do, where do patents fit within open science, etc. We must not forget that changes in the sharing of scientific knowledge have an impact on the evaluation of the quality of scientific knowledge, and thus on the evaluation of scientists. As a result, young scientists should be prepared that it will also impact their career options in research and in industry.

Organising Committee : Robert Whitney (LPMMC), Signe Seidelin (Inst. Neel), Romain Lhermerout (LiPhy), Lucie Albaret (BU-UGA), Bart van Tiggelen (LPMMC)

Contact : opensci2023uga@sciencesconf.org

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