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40 years D11 – Status & Perspectives of small Angle Scattering at ILL

mercredi 10 octobre 2012 - Duree : 3 jours
Lieu : ILL, Chadwick Amphitheatre, Grenoble, France

Orateur :

Small Angle Neutron Scattering started at ILL 40 years ago, in 1972, with the commissioning of D11. The method is today well established and became an important standard too for many different research fields such as soft matter science, biology, solid state physics and materials science. The persistent success, in particular at ILL with the 2 most powerful instruments worldwide, D11 & D22, is illustrated by the continuing high demand for SANS beamtime with a constant overload factor of 3. As a consequence a 3rd SANS instrument, D33, has currently been built and will soon be commissioned.

Important dates :
Deadline for all presentations : 16/07/2012
Deadline for final registration : 17/09/2012

Contact : 40yearsD11@ill.eu Website : http://www.ill.eu/40-years-d11

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