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Les évènements relevant de la Physique et de la Biologie / Chimie sont représentés en turquoise

SYNEMAG 2012 : Synchrotron and Neutron Applications oh High Magnetic Fields

mercredi 17 octobre 2012 - Duree : 3 jours
Lieu : EPN Science Campus, Grenoble, France

Orateur :

The last ten years have seen a growing interest for the combined use of high magnetic field and synchrotron or neutron sources. Several large-scale projects, offering the opportunity to measure in high magnetic fields up to 40 T at advanced sources, have been spawned worldwide motivated by the discovery of new compounds with spectacular or exotic properties driven by different electronic correlation effects.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together the communities of scientists investigating (or willing to investigate) condensed matter by techniques combining high magnetic fields and synchrotron or neutron facilities.
The workshop will be the occasion for the presentation of the recent scientific breakthroughs and instrumental developments performed in the area. It will give the opportunity to evaluate the state of the art, identify ongoing and future projects and the need for further developments.
The programme will cover the following subjects :

  • Present status and perspectives of high magnetic field applications at synchrotron and neutron sources (scientific and instrumental aspects)
  • Science in high magnetic fields, such as strongly correlated and heavy-fermion systems, low-dimensional and frustrated systems, oxides and related materials, superconductivity, quantum critical phenomena.
  • X-ray and neutron experiments on such systems in pulsed or steady magnetic fields
    The size of the workshop is expected to be 80-100 participants. There will be a mixture of invited talks ( 12), contributed talks and poster session. All participants are invited to present poster to allow further discussions.

Website : http://www.esrf.eu/events/conferences/synemag-2012

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