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2D droplet microfluidics driven by confinement gradients

Lundi 10 juin 2013 11:00 - Duree : 1 heure
Lieu : Bât 51D, Salle D122 - CEA Grenoble - Entrée Minatec au 3 PArvis Louis Néel, 38000 Grenoble

Orateur : Remi DANGLA (Ladhyx, Ecole Polytechnique),

The field of droplet microfluidics is built around the concept of droplet microreactors, i.e. the idea that a drop can be used to collect, carry and characterize chemicals, biological systems or genetic material, and it helds the promise to miniaturize and automate standard microtiter plates on-a-chip. However, the field has remained dominated by a serial mindset which contrasts with the inherent 2D format of the microtiter plate.

During my talk, I will present a novel strategy for droplet management that allows droplet microfluidics to be implemented easily inside a 2D chamber. This approach mainly relies on confinement gradients to apply forces on the droplets. I will describe how we achieve droplet formation, propulsion, guiding, trapping, etc... and explain the underlying physics. I will conclude by presenting some applications to reactions kinetics, cell biology and molecular biology.

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